Right now, you can pick up a one-month subscription for just $3, down from its usual $15. Learn more Tips about redeeming codes Purchasing limits What can you buy with the funds in your account SUBSCRIBE RSS FEEDS Need more help? Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is one of the best deals in gaming, and today you can subscribe for less. *Digital gift codes can't be used for purchases at Microsoft Store retail locations.

To redeem a gift card you received, go to /redeem. I have entered the code multiple times and it’s definitely the correct code(Edit: Thanks to Arch-flight it worked through empty paid card) So my friend wanted to gift me a code for xbox game pass, I entered the code in the store then it asks for payment method That's really ridiculous, what if I only want to play just for 3 months and I don't want to re-active the service My problem is that I don't have electronic …Accessories and devices like Xbox and Surface. Created on ApGamePass Ultimate code says already redeemed I use MS Rewards to auto redeem points for my GPU subscription and the latest code that was emailed to me says it’s already been redeemed but I never redeemed it and my subscription is expiring today.